User's Guide

This guide contains frequently asked questions during Discoin transactions.

Discoin is meant to supplement user income on each bot. While certain actions, like investments, are encouraged by design, everything has a limit. To keep the economies running in reasonable order, please convert currencies reasonably and responsibly.

The following actions are prohibited on Discoin. Violators will be punished at the discretion of each participating bot owners.

  • Converting any currency, illicitly acquired, within the Discoin system. By "illicitly acquired", actions include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Automated actions, including macros, selfbotting, etc.;

    • Exploitations of bot mechanisms in any way not intended by bot owners;

    • Acquisitions of currency that are illicitly acquired by other users;

    • Other actions prohibited by terms and conditions imposed by other parties, including but not limited to participating bots and Discord.

  • Perform automated transactions, through macros, selfbotting, etc.

  • Exploit Discoin mechanisms in any way not intended by developers (e.g. pump & dump).

  • Any action that can fall under "Unlawful Access of Computers".

How can I exchange currency?


  1. Create a transaction from the origin bot. See the command list below.

  2. Your transaction will be converted at the rates effective at the moment. After a transaction, the rates will adjust itself.

  3. Within 5 minutes, the destination bot will receive your transaction. Unless...?

Commands List

  • <Currency> means 3-letter currency codes listed here. Exchange rates are listed there too.

Can I get/spend Discoins?

No. Discoin only exists during the transaction process and statistics: As a universal unit for calculating currency, it is only used for calculating exchange rates as well as currency reserves. The real world equivalent example would be XDR.

Can I have a transaction record?

I did not receive my payment!

  1. Check the Transaction Record. If it says the transaction isn't handled, the receiving bot hasn't processed it yet.

  2. If it has been more than 5 minutes and the transaction still isn't handled, check if there are any restrictions in place, which are usually announced on this page as well as the support server. Still no avail? Contact the developer(s) of the receiving bot.

Suggested uses of each currency

Here's a table on the earning and spending mechanisms of each bot.

Credits (aka. "How can I support Discoin?")

Discoin is a cooperative project, combining efforts of many developers from diverse backgrounds across the globe.

Last updated